3.1 Miles to a Reality Check

My struggles during the race made me understand that I have to be pragmatic in terms of execution to achieve my health goals

Vickey Maverick.
Human Parts


Photo by Tibor Krizsak on Unsplash

Not long back, I could not run for more than a few minutes at a stretch. Even those few minutes were anything but a smooth run. I would be gasping for breath during the duration of the run and struggle to regain composure afterward.

Professional life takes a toll on the mind and the body, in particular. I was no different. A combination of significant amounts of work-related travel, lack of adequate rest, absence of a proper diet plan and minimal physical activities had turned me into something I was anything but proud of. To say I used to be overweight would be an understatement.

That being said, self-pity can ensure as much. It was time to make a concerted effort and get back in shape. It was time to incorporate exercise as part of the daily routine and stick to it, no matter what. Having a gym instructor and trainer as a friend ensured a go-to option to begin with.

It had to be a realistic approach

My friend was appreciative of the fact that I decided to take matters into my own hands before a visit to the hospital became a necessity. There was palpably a hint of…



Vickey Maverick.
Human Parts

Ditch the Niche: Focused on providing insightful narratives on diverse topics like culture, health, history, slice of life, sports, travel, work, and on writing