January Is The Worst Possible Time To Stop DrinkingI ordered a Coke at a trendy LA cocktail joint recently, which caught the attention of a curious stranger perched on a barstool next to…Dec 29, 201784Dec 29, 201784
A Night at the Epilogue, the Great Heaven Bar in the SkyI know this bar called The Epilogue. The regulars like to say it’s located at the end of a very long, very subjective and perhaps even…Feb 17, 201723Feb 17, 201723
Confessions of a Jury Duty DodgerThere are many things the United States requires of its citizens, among them paying taxes, taking part in the census and carrying…Aug 11, 20152Aug 11, 20152
Published inHuman PartsIf You’re Drinking to Forget, Please Pay In AdvanceJun 19, 201427Jun 19, 201427
Published inHuman PartsIrish Car Bombs & Other Sterling Examples of Poor JudgmentOr The Time I Almost Went Crane on Billy Zabka’s DoppelgangerMay 1, 20146May 1, 20146
Published inHuman PartsBetter Gin than a GunWhat type of drinker are you?Apr 26, 201435Apr 26, 201435