The Lessons COVID is Teaching Us about Racism.“I don’t care who says that vaccine is safe. I’m not getting it. There’s no way I’m going to put foreign entities in my body.” These were…Mar 1, 2021621Mar 1, 2021621
Published inZORAHow Can Immigrants Die With Dignity During a Pandemic?Covid-19 has robbed many immigrant families of the right to be buried in a way consistent with their values and traditionsMay 14, 20203123May 14, 20203123
When You Abandoned Our Son I lost the Right to Parent AutonomouslyI don’t feel anger towards you. Not anymore that is. Time has healed my pain, though it has not been as merciful to our child. I was naive…Mar 10, 2020199Mar 10, 2020199
Published inAge of AwarenessEducating My Black Son.I’ll never forget the time my son told me that he didn’t want to be black anymore. He was 6 years old and in first grade.Nov 13, 20195362Nov 13, 20195362
I have always been the queen of overachieving.The thing with my type of addiction is that it depletes your emotional reserves. Overachievers aren’t just laser focused on succeeding at…Oct 18, 20194Oct 18, 20194
Published inHuman PartsHow I’m Teaching My Daughter That Her Body Is Her OwnOur Dominican culture conflates love with touch, but I want my daughter to feel like she has a choiceSep 16, 201989417Sep 16, 201989417
Published inApparentlyI Know You Mean Well, But Please Stop Telling Me How Much Our Baby Looks Like MeSince I gave birth to my daughter, people think I’m her biological mother — I’m not.Jul 1, 20191.1K8Jul 1, 20191.1K8
Published inHuman PartsBreastfeeding Shouldn’t Be This HardHaving two babies at very different times in my life has shown me firsthand how racism and poverty affect new parentsJun 28, 20191.92K7Jun 28, 20191.92K7