Four Favourite Indigo Alternatives in VancouverBuying Books Locally, Ethically, and EconomicallySep 7, 20241Sep 7, 20241
The Unscripted Fallout of Broken Engagements on Love is BlindThe End of Jackelina and Marshall’s On-Camera Relationship is A Lot of What’s Wrong With Reality Programming.Apr 14, 202369Apr 14, 202369
There are no Winners HereFandoms, Scandals, Social Media, and the Celebrity SlaughterhouseMay 15, 2022591May 15, 2022591
Living Space: On Learning What I Can ShareFor over a year and a half, the separate worlds of our work, home, school, and social lives have folded in on each other. The ramifications…Aug 23, 202192Aug 23, 202192
Altruism, Individualism, and the Science and Psychology of Mask WearingRecently it was announced that masks will be mandatory on Metro Vancouver’s public transit system. This is one policy, among a growing…Aug 18, 202019Aug 18, 202019
Covid Dreams: The Importance of Acknowledging UncertaintyI wake up. My eye is swollen shut and itchy. Walking to the health clinic masked faces judge me and when I do get there the doctor says he…Jun 27, 202024Jun 27, 202024
An Open Letter From The UFO Videos Released by the Department of DefenseHello.Apr 30, 2020111Apr 30, 2020111
The Entertaining Existential Crisis And Lurid Magical Realism of Bojack Horseman(spoilers abound)Feb 26, 20206Feb 26, 20206
In Defense of SpiteAround this time last year I wrote an article for Optimistic Learner called “Slight and Spite: Salving the Stings of Social Exchange”…Aug 25, 201910Aug 25, 201910
Predatory Stairs: You’re Probably Underestimating That EscalatorFor years I’ve worked high traffic customer service jobs. This, combined with a tendency towards obsessive behaviors, has led me to a…Apr 26, 201931Apr 26, 201931
Published inHuman PartsThe Space We FillOn reconnecting with my body and quieting the chaos in my mindApr 5, 20191.1K5Apr 5, 20191.1K5
Forward Without Reservations: Owning this Year’s ResolutionsEvery year, for the past five years now, I’ve committed a bit more of myself to writing. It started as a therapeutic outlet. Recovering…Jan 17, 20193Jan 17, 20193
Playdates for an Old SoulI’m an old soul. As a young girl I loved the serenity of my grandmother’s retirement community, as a preteen E.M. Forster novels and cups…Dec 18, 201817Dec 18, 201817
Travel, Well-Being, and the Importance of Novelty.A few months back I asked an acquaintance about their yearly, and often extended, travel habits. The very honest response I received was…Oct 27, 201881Oct 27, 201881