Published inHuman PartsSobriety Cured My DepressionIn the throes of crippling depression, I tried every possible treatment to get better. Nothing worked. Then I got sober.Apr 1, 20206Apr 1, 20206
Published inBeyond Burning ManSurviving Sober Burning ManI’m one of those weirdos who brackets her year in Burns. Watching the wooden man erupt into flames on the final night of Burning Man has…Sep 17, 201911Sep 17, 201911
Finding God in My CommunityWe drove over the Golden Gate Bridge talking about boys. A storm had come and gone; there was a rainbow overhead and a tunnel painted with…Feb 11, 20192Feb 11, 20192
A Traveling Talk Show Frames #MeToo In A Whole New LightFilmmaker Ondi Timoner was sitting on an all-female panel at Sundance last winter when inspiration struck. The #MeToo movement had been…Jun 19, 2018Jun 19, 2018
108 Reasons Why You Love America (The Privileged Liberal’s Edition)The other day, a friend inspired me to put out a Facebook ask. For every person who posts a comment on my status with a reason they love…Nov 15, 20162Nov 15, 20162
Published inHealthcare in AmericaMy Depression Is A GiftInternational Relations class, 2006. The teacher’s assistant is drawing a diagram to explain anarchy on the board. I’m half paying…Sep 6, 201643Sep 6, 201643
Published inLife Well LivedMaking Peace with Your Own Mortality and Other LessonsThe third installment of my Gchats with GrandmaOct 7, 20151Oct 7, 20151
Published inLife Well LivedA Grandmother’s Wisdom On Work-Life Balance And Getting Ahead In The WorkplacePart two of a series of Gchats with my GrandmaSep 30, 20151Sep 30, 20151
Published inLife Well LivedLessons From An 85-Year-Old About TechnologySurprising wisdom from a series of Gchats with my GrandmaSep 21, 201526Sep 21, 201526