As ExpectedI grow up in a small town. Go to church. Sing in the choir. Get confirmed in a faith I do not have. I take my instructions with eyes…May 30, 20216May 30, 20216
Reconstruction SiteI rise before the strike of hammer on wood And the heat of mid-day eyes force me inMar 7, 202110Mar 7, 202110
Published inHuman PartsLove, Anger, and Genetics‘I make my case over and over. Unable to tell if I am convincing anyone.’Jul 26, 2020142Jul 26, 2020142
Published inAMPLIFYNumb with NumbersEvery morning we take inventory of our failure Beds, too few Tests, too late Masks, worn out Accountability, goneApr 6, 20202.8KApr 6, 20202.8K
MuWe lie, drunk, on a couch too narrow to contain us. Like college lovers on a Twin XL, Sinking into one another To keep from falling.Apr 5, 20202Apr 5, 20202
To Bottle LightningI feel it coming. Shadows creeping up softly, Smothering the light That just now danced in your eyes.Aug 30, 20191Aug 30, 20191
14 StairsThere are 14 stairs in the house that grew me Where we held hands and locked eyes Blue on blue/brown Reciting the ritual rhyme On the step…Aug 12, 20194Aug 12, 20194
Time BoundIf had more time, I wouldn’t wish it gone so fast. Wouldn’t rush to an age when years dissolve in minutes. Would savor the slow unfurling…Jun 23, 201951Jun 23, 201951
ReinsI grew my hair long to spite my face. That’s what you wanted, wasn’t it? Reins, woven lustrous thick, To pull me back When I strayed too…Apr 21, 201930Apr 21, 201930