Life in Cuba: A day Late And A Dollar ShortIt’s fair to say that my Cuba campaign is thus lacking the knockout blow of a decent donation or sponsorship. Nevertheless, we beat on…Aug 23, 2020Aug 23, 2020
Love in the Time of Corona: Ruzafa, Valencia, in SpainTotal self-isolation is a challenge to one’s mental health.Apr 13, 2020Apr 13, 2020
The Gift of Mental IllnessThe fact is, I am mentally ill. Not many people wish to admit it. But it has plagued me my whole life since I was a child. And continues…Nov 15, 2019Nov 15, 2019
A Nightingale in Berkeley SquareToday, I had a meeting in Berkeley Square. It was a beautiful, gloriously sunny day in central London. On the south side of the square — a…Apr 28, 2019Apr 28, 2019
Published inHuman PartsWhere Does Your Mind Go When Your Body Is Near Death?In deep delirium after a catastrophic heart attack, my subconscious ran wildJan 11, 201939Jan 11, 201939
For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn…Sometimes I see a piece of writing that is so perfect that, first, I think “I wish I had written that”. And, second, if I were being paid…Mar 19, 2018Mar 19, 2018