Published inThe DIY DiariesInstagram Will Eat Your Art PracticeOn how to preserve your creative interiorMar 1519Mar 1519
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Published inThe DIY DiariesHome Is Where the Haunted Dolls RestHow to transform your childrens’ toys into a nightmarish exploration of the gothic for the whole familyFeb 2314Feb 2314
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Published inThe DIY DiariesHow to Create the Garden of Your Kids’ DreamsOr maybe just distract them from falling into the pond for ten minutesJan 1918Jan 1918
Published inThe DIY DiariesHow to Celebrate Christmas in (Not Quite) the North PoleThree vignettes from a Canadian childhoodDec 23, 202426Dec 23, 202426
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Published inHuman PartsTo Each Their Own EyesoreMy mom, my kid, and the twelve-foot skeleton from Home DepotNov 25, 20243Nov 25, 20243
Published inThe DIY DiariesCooking the National Pest Instead of a TurkeyOr, how to ruin your romantic prospects on Canadian ThanksgivingNov 24, 202453Nov 24, 202453