Birthday BluesI got me some birthday blues. Blues like sorrow. Blues like swimming pool. Blues like not swimming in a pool. Blues like drowning. Blues…Mar 3, 20231Mar 3, 20231
I Wish For Us ChoiceI’ve sat down to write this many times in the last almost two years. The night I stood in the cold outside the Supreme Court Building and…May 4, 2022121May 4, 2022121
TodayCall us miracle and precious. And yesterday, today, and tomorrow. There was an existence outside of occupation dependent on white supremacyFeb 7, 202260Feb 7, 202260
A Case for Renaming OurselvesI would wager to say that our aliveness, if I can call it that, is not altered by our naming, but confirmed.Nov 5, 20212324Nov 5, 20212324
The Mundane Motions of Preventable Platonic Breakup After I Share How Queer I AmShe asked who I lost and I said you. I said something. I said I didn’t know. I lied and said nothing. Which name would you like me to…Jul 27, 2021112Jul 27, 2021112
I Wrote My Own Eulogy In Case They Kill Me TooThere is not enough time in the day to write all of the eulogies that need to be written. But at least let me write my own in preparation.Apr 19, 2021804Apr 19, 2021804
When They Call Us Dead Before We Die and We Call Them MonstersAs surely as they pay a price for dehumanizing us in the process of marginalization, I will learn from their mistakes and call them by…Mar 19, 2021219Mar 19, 2021219
I’m Gonna Stay Right Here In This BecomingI had another voice before this. I believe it to be true. Somewhere in some womb, forever unknown to me, I heard a mother-tongue calling…Feb 24, 202129Feb 24, 202129
This is the HeartbreakIf I wrote the piece I am scared to write it would go something like this:Jan 8, 20212954Jan 8, 20212954
Published inAn Injustice!An Open Letter To The White People Who Love Me But Also Love WhitenessI love you. I need you to know that before I begin. Because this is painful and I am asking us to step into the hard with no real…Dec 13, 202085910Dec 13, 202085910
Published inHuman PartsHow It Felt to Be in Washington, D.C. on Election NightThe beautiful world I am imagining has a place for you in it. Can you say the same about me?Nov 5, 20203242Nov 5, 20203242
She Will Be Everything I Love to LoveJust because some Christians say who is worthy of love and dignity doesn’t mean they speak for God.Oct 7, 20201602Oct 7, 20201602
Healing is a Luxury and a Necessity: Pain, Race, and GraceHow quickly can you interwine your life with someone else’s and see their survival as integral to yours?Sep 13, 202074Sep 13, 202074
Published inThe BaldwinMY PRONOUN IS BLACK: Introducing BALDWIN Columnist Karen LeonardI am a Black, Queer, trans-national, trans-racial, woman from Kenya.Aug 27, 20203182Aug 27, 20203182