MotherhoodMotherhood for me right now is pillow fights on freshly made beds and toothless grins Long days that reach into night and early mornings…May 18, 2020May 18, 2020
Love and GriefThe hospital social worker looked my husband and I in the eyes. Our bloodshot, tired, wet eyes.Feb 13, 20201Feb 13, 20201
The Extraordinary OrdinaryThe extraordinary ordinary, these things we all do. This birthing of life and grieving it too.Dec 3, 201921Dec 3, 201921
Published inHuman PartsA Gift Guide for Mothers Who’ve Lost Their BabiesI know what these mothers want because I’ve been oneNov 19, 20193712Nov 19, 20193712
Published inThe StartupSchool Picture DayAn essay on grief. And school picture day. And that stuffed dog right there, in that bottom right corner.Oct 23, 2019145Oct 23, 2019145