Learning the Art of Active Listening (Part 2)In my last article, we talked about the benefits of Active Listening, as well as the right attitude and conditions that make it possible…Aug 2, 2019237Aug 2, 2019237
How to *Really* Listen, from Someone Who Has Worked at a Suicide Hotline (Part 1)Listening is just staying quiet while the other person talks, right? NOPE.Jul 24, 20193131Jul 24, 20193131
The Mental Health Myth of the Tortured ArtistHow this stereotype can hurt more than it can helpJul 20, 2019225Jul 20, 2019225
Still Not StraightDating a man after a decade of dating women does not make me “unqueer”Mar 11, 20191.1K3Mar 11, 20191.1K3