Published inHuman PartsWantingThe thing I’d been personally dreading about November, besides the obvious, the election, was a tooth extraction. Nearly eighteen years…Nov 26, 20241.1K24Nov 26, 20241.1K24
Published inHuman PartsFailing Spectacularly on Both SidesThis isn’t about politics. This is about politics.Jun 14, 20241553Jun 14, 20241553
How I Lost Television (and might find it again)Last night, my daughter, from the hallway, asked, “Mom, why don’t you watch Friends already?” She heard me laughing at a clip posted to one…Mar 13, 20241Mar 13, 20241
Thankful For, 2021Health, and supporting it for myself, my family, my community, and my dear onesNov 25, 202153Nov 25, 202153
Midsummer Wish ListI tend to write a prelude or intro for summer wish list presentation. For nearly a year, every single day, I’ve been writing what I think…Jul 19, 20216Jul 19, 20216
Restless SleepI managed to sleep late this morning (nearly eight). I knew, as I slept and wasn’t awake, that I was restless. I needed to pee at one…Oct 29, 2020Oct 29, 2020
Thirty-Three DaysStupidly, as in, why don’t I think in numbers ever, I signed up to “Run for Ruth.” It’s virtual, of course. The site offered a 5K option…Sep 30, 20201Sep 30, 20201
Day 183Things we did to improve the porch this summer: cleaned it up, had the floor repainted and the trim touched up and the walls power washed…Sep 13, 202017Sep 13, 202017
Summer Wish ListFor the first summer in very, very many, I didn’t write a Summer Wish List. I began to do them back when I blogged, motivated by someone…Aug 30, 2020Aug 30, 2020
Snapshot: Day 156It’s cloudy. We haven’t had much cloudiness recently, lots of hot sun. All around town, there are new trees planted this spring lining the…Aug 16, 202055Aug 16, 202055
Day Sixty-FiveQuarantine: we have done nine full weeks, two full months, however many meals and cleanups and sweeps of the floor that makes. Shuttering…May 17, 2020121May 17, 2020121
Day 36This is my update on a snowy morning in April (because, New England), and it’s not comprehensive, it’s just three themes touched upon, and…Apr 18, 20201Apr 18, 20201
Sleep Isn’tThings that are not working all that well include sleep. It’s hard to make myself go to sleep, even though at like nine, I think I’m ready…Mar 28, 20203Mar 28, 20203
Words: Don’t Even Have a TitlePeople are wearing gloves for going to the grocery store and I am a mitten person. That is to say, in the world of self-judgment and…Mar 20, 2020Mar 20, 2020
Unpopular OpinionTwo days ago, I clicked on the link to an Above the Law article that reported upon a tweet thread a male law professor wrote when he got a…Dec 7, 20195Dec 7, 20195
Rural Blitz Weekend For Ms. WarrenIf there’s a reason to write about an afternoon of canvassing for Elizabeth Warren in a minivan with the Minivan app, it’s this: I want…Oct 13, 201922Oct 13, 201922