Bernard SassI never met my grandfather Bernard, but he maintains a heavy presence in my consciousness, due in large part (I realize now) to the…Jan 13, 202018Jan 13, 202018
Understanding Toxic Masculinity, or: How to Realize Revolution Through CompassionLast Sunday night, on a crisp, clear evening in Los Angeles, I sat with a cis male friend of mine at the bar. We were having one of those…Jan 28, 20195Jan 28, 20195
The FamilyWhen my brother Larry and I emerged — bleary-eyed, jet lagged, and toting heavy luggage — from Ben Gurion Airport; as we sheepishly…Dec 9, 20162Dec 9, 20162
Published inHuman PartsThe Way Things Were“Beautiful names for ugly streets,” a tall man with a tidy salt-and-pepper mustache read out loud to a small crowd assembled around him. He…Sep 22, 201521Sep 22, 201521
Published inHuman PartsTell Me About Your Summer“Same old stuff. Summer stuff, I mean.” Jul 6, 20148Jul 6, 20148
Published inHuman PartsHow to Fix a RelationshipI should have just said: “I feel trapped. You’re stifling me. We’ve become too different. Our relationship is falling apart.”Jun 2, 201427Jun 2, 201427