PinnedHow to Eat the Best Fruit (and Not the Bad Fruit)A definitive shopper’s guide from a woman who knowsJan 17, 20185.6K31Jan 17, 20185.6K31
finding love in a broken post pandemic dating worldHe pulls his red t-shirt down to reveal a small pointy bone protruding between his shoulder and neck. He does the same on the other side.May 9, 20221891May 9, 20221891
Dispatches from the Notes App on my Phone: MexicoThis is the second part in a series called Tiny Glimmers. Read about it here.Apr 20, 20201681Apr 20, 20201681
Dispatches from the Notes App on my Phone: South AfricaThis is the first post in a series called Tiny Glimmers. Read about it here.Jan 14, 20201971Jan 14, 20201971
tiny glimmers: a writing seriesI’m going to write a series of tiny things this year.Jan 14, 202078Jan 14, 202078
“I Used To Read A Lot But Now I Don’t” — How to Get Back Into Reading BooksA few people (okay just the one) asked me for tips on how to read more after I completed a reading challenge this year. My goal was to…Nov 12, 20182371Nov 12, 20182371
Not the Onion: Why I Can’t Eat Onions or Drink MilkIt’s a whole thing.Oct 11, 20181351Oct 11, 20181351
Published inThe Walkley MagazineAll by myself: the virtues of not trying to do everything by yourself when building a startupWhen I was young, I never needed anyone. And making content was just for fun. Those days are gone.Feb 19, 2018210Feb 19, 2018210
Have a bad time? Cenote on my watch! A guide to Mexico’s best swimming holesGoing beyond that one photo you saw on PinterestDec 30, 2017495Dec 30, 2017495
Published inThe Walkley Magazine“Hello World! Its me, the coding N00b” — on learning how to code as a journalistA few months ago, “Basic HTML” was my job application go-to. I couldn’t have picked out the front end of a website from the back end in a…Jul 18, 20172Jul 18, 20172
What If Arguing With Strangers On The Internet Could Change Their Political Views? It Changed MineImagine a world before social media (pre-2005). It looked a lot like this.Jan 19, 20172Jan 19, 20172
One woman writes, edits and delivers a newspaper singlehandedly — is this the future of media?If it seems extreme to you that there are young journalists who would do anything to get a job in media, then maybe the rock you’re living…Jan 19, 2017Jan 19, 2017
‘Organised, Collective Action’ — Noam Chomsky’s Only Way To Change The System And Save Us From Self…Let me begin by invoking the newly dubbed “Noam Chomsky amendment”: the right to quote Noam Chomsky forever until progressives actually…Jan 19, 20171Jan 19, 20171
So ‘Digital Marketing’ Is Not A Thing And We Have To Stop Calling You ‘Millennials’Well, have we been schooled. Professor Mark Ritson gave a lecture recently about the death of the traditional vs digital divide in…Jan 19, 2017Jan 19, 2017
All The Powerful Protest Songs That Called Obama On His BullshitRemember Obama? Wasn’t he quite the character. I’ll never not be impressed by how much Obama was able to evade responsibility in the…Jan 19, 20171Jan 19, 20171
Published inBeautiful VoyagerI Took Control Of My Chronic Migraines And Found A Solution That Worked For MeIt was my birthday, my 28th birthday to be exact. I wore a bright red dress because once I commit to an unnecessary idea (going somewhere…Jan 16, 201716Jan 16, 201716
My Entire Gossip Girl Observations After Watching It 9 Years Later1. These people are awful.Feb 20, 201611Feb 20, 201611
When Your Dad Dies On HalloweenThis is a true story I wrote and read aloud for Ghost Stories at Giant DwarfDec 13, 20154Dec 13, 20154
Published inThe VocalYou Are A Writer Because You Say You AreOn reading your words out loud and finding your tribeNov 20, 20153Nov 20, 20153