My Mid-Life Crisis Lasted 30 Years

All the Things I Learned Along the Way

Linda A. Moran
Human Parts


c. 2012 Linda Moran, Sunset Crater, Arizona

Yeah, that’s my mind, all twisted and wondering which end is up. It has been like that for over 30 years. I didn’t like who I was, what I was, where I was going. It’s hard searching for yourself for so many years. But there’s something about turning 75, going to Europe for the first time, publishing a book, losing everything on the computer, and getting Covid to bring a perspective to life.

I was the first person in my college graduating class to have a job before graduating. The previous February I signed a contract to teach in Hawaii. Dream job, right? I just didn't want to teach — at all, anywhere. I was resisting the ever-present visual disability that governed what I could and couldn’t do. But that disability put me through college with no debt. The state program was designed to help students who had limited career opportunities; for me it was pretty much “just teaching.”

A bit of a problem, since I already had a guaranteed job, but as my political science professor said, “How bad can teaching in Hawaii be?”

c. 1973, Linda A. Moran, Lahaina Harbor — now gone…



Linda A. Moran
Human Parts

Artist, Author, Activist; truth-telling in history; redefining myself as a widow for a new decade.