Go to Human Parts
Human Parts
A home for personal storytelling.
Note from the editor

Human Parts is Medium’s home for personal stories and perspectives. From the mundane to the extraordinary to the downright weird, we’re here to explore what it means to be human.

Go to the profile of Jay Ludlow Martin
Jay Ludlow Martin
Editor of Human Parts. Writer based in Manhattan. Gay Trans Pizza. Author: Death by Nostalgia (2018) and my own misfortune.
Go to the profile of John DeVore
John DeVore
My memoir 'Theatre Kids: A True Tale of Off-Off Broadway' is now available. jdv.lol
Go to the profile of Amanda Oliver
Amanda Oliver
Author of OVERDUE: Reckoning with the Public Library • writer, editor, teacher • amandaoliver.com
Go to the profile of Abby Kloppenburg
Go to the profile of Sridhar Pappu
Sridhar Pappu
Journalist, Author of The Year of the Pitcher: Bob Gibson, Denny McLain and the end of Baseball’s Golden Age — October, 2017. sridharpappu.com
Go to the profile of KV Luce
KV Luce
it really just depends
Go to the profile of Maggie Haukka
Maggie Haukka
Coder, Decoder, Code-switcher, Truth-teller.
Go to the profile of Sephy Hallow
Sephy Hallow
British-born, Victoria-based storyteller. they/them www.sephyhallow.com
Go to the profile of Brent L. Smith
Brent L. Smith
Culture. Interviews. High Strangeness. Poetics.
Go to the profile of June Beaux
June Beaux
I write about death, relationships, family, and grief.
Go to the profile of Kyle Turner
Kyle Turner
Snarkoleptic. Queer monster. Amateur critic. Professional snob. Writer person. I am relieved to know that I am not a golem. Words in Slate, GQ, the NYTimes, etc
Go to the profile of Linda Horton
Linda Horton
Born a photographer, but prone to writing haiku on public transportation, or baking things. Death Doula in training. info@lindahortonphotography.com
Go to the profile of Amanda Eagleson
Amanda Eagleson
Poet, Writer at Optimistic Learner and Digital Economy Forum. Board member at Vancouver Poetry House. www.optimisticlearner.com
Go to the profile of Benjamin Sledge
Benjamin Sledge
Multi-award winning author | Combat wounded veteran | Mental health specialist | Occasional geopolitical intel | Graphic designer | https://benjaminsledge.com
Go to the profile of Claire Greising
Go to the profile of Tim Clare
Go to the profile of Lux Alptraum
Lux Alptraum
OneZero columnist, Peabody-nominated producer, and the author of Faking It: The Lies Women Tell About Sex — And the Truths They Reveal. http://luxalptraum.com
Go to the profile of Dan Moore
Dan Moore
Writer | The Ringer, SF Chronicle, Human Parts, Forge, Oaklandside | Editor-in-Chief: PS I Love You. Twitter @dmowriter. Web https://www.danmoorewriter.com/
Go to the profile of Amanda Chicago Lewis
Amanda Chicago Lewis
prefers pot w/o pesticides. cares about how, exactly, we plan to legalize weed, who is still getting arrested, and who is getting rich how
Go to the profile of Kristen T
Kristen T
Trying to figure it all out. Freelance marketing strategist and copywriter.
Go to the profile of Nikki Kay
Nikki Kay
Words everywhere. Fiction, poetry, personal essays about parenting, mental health, and the intersection of the two. messymind.substack.com
Go to the profile of Yvette Uloma Dimiri
Yvette Uloma Dimiri
Media Professional living in Lagos, Nigeria. Writing on love, and other human stuff.
Go to the profile of Bex Hall
Bex Hall
Bex is an artist who writes and a writer who arts. Current WIP: memoir about cheating death, 2nd chances & the power of kindness. Blogs at bexhall.com.
Go to the profile of Liz Thomas
Liz Thomas
A pseudonym to protect my job as a catholic schoolteacher from my radical queer advocacy. Or vice versa. I haven’t decided yet.
Go to the profile of Estacious(Charles White)
Estacious(Charles White)
I am a southern writer and teacher living in the midwest. I focus on education, poetry, and fiction. I am an award-winning playwright. estaciousw1914@yahoo.com
Go to the profile of J. Edward Les, MD
J. Edward Les, MD
Pediatric emergency physician. Former veterinarian. Father. Writer. Cancer survivor.
Go to the profile of Katie Acosta
Katie Acosta
I am a queer, woman of color, scholar-activist. writing about parenting, loving, forgiving and struggle
Go to the profile of Lisa Romeo
Lisa Romeo
Author of the memoir, Starting with Goodbye (Univ. Nevada Press, 2018) http://bit.ly/SWG-LR . Professor, Bay Path MFA. Freelance writer. Editor. Writing coach.
Go to the profile of John DiFelice
Go to the profile of Brian Broome
Go to the profile of Dr Scott Donaldson
Dr Scott Donaldson
Urologist, public school educated, nationally syndicated radio show, failed politician, teacher of surgeons, husband, father, 3 dogs and one old truck
Go to the profile of Eric Pierce
Eric Pierce
Writer, gamer, pop culture nerd. Chief fan at Fanfare. Probably thinking about Star Wars. https://allthefanfare.com
Go to the profile of Bethany Marcel
Bethany Marcel
Bethany Marcel is a writer whose work has appeared in Literary Hub, Popula, Motherwell, and more. Find her on Twitter @bethmarcel or at www.bethanymarcel.com
Go to the profile of Mari Pack
Mari Pack
Editor and poet. Bad at math. maripack.com
Go to the profile of Jacque Gorelick
Jacque Gorelick
Writer. Mom. Caffeine Enthusiast. Believer in Kindness & Humor. Words in The New York Times, Washington Post, HuffPost, and more.
Go to the profile of Bobbi Dempsey
Bobbi Dempsey
Writer whose recent work includes essays and op-eds on poverty and social issues, but I also love fun stuff like the 80s, bargain-hunting, and bad reality TV.
Go to the profile of Zulie Rane
Zulie Rane
Writer and cat mom. Opinions are my own. This is my just-for-fun profile! My official Medium profile is @Zulie_at_Medium.
Go to the profile of Megan Seling
Megan Seling
Megan Seling is a writer and author in Nashville, TN. Human Parts, Nashville Scene, The Stranger, Livability, Rookie, Wondering Sound, & more.
Go to the profile of Kate Siahaan-Rigg
Kate Siahaan-Rigg
Actor, Writer, Activist, Futurist, Comedian, Amerasian rebel. And sometimes why. FB @katerigg IG @kateriggnyc www.katerigg.com
Go to the profile of Shannon Page
Shannon Page
Writer, editor, thinker of things, living on Orcas Island, Washington state. https://www.shannonpage.net
Go to the profile of Joanna Cohen
Joanna Cohen
student, always.
Go to the profile of T Kira Madden
T Kira Madden
Writer, Photographer, Amateur Magician. Author: LONG LIVE THE TRIBE OF FATHERLESS GIRLS (2019, Bloomsbury)
Go to the profile of Riane Konc
Riane Konc
Jokes in the New Yorker, the NYT, McSweeney’s, and more. Order my satirical holiday book, BUILD YOUR OWN CHRISTMAS MOVIE ROMANCE, today. More: www.rianekonc.com
Go to the profile of Laura Isolde
Laura Isolde
Learning to make dinner, do laundry, & check homework without gallons of wine. Writer, runner, momma. Find me at ParentingWithoutBooze.com
Go to the profile of Michael McAllister
Michael McAllister
True stories with teeth. Chihuahua herder, marketer, and prehistoric blogger (dogpoet.com/blog since 2001).
Go to the profile of Anne Victoria Clark
Anne Victoria Clark
@vulture writer/editor, union ( @Newsguild ) member, Queens resident, originated in Nebraska, educated in Texas, understandably furious.
Go to the profile of Matthew R. Manning
Matthew R. Manning
I lost my baby girl; now I write in her honor. Reimagining a soulful, sensuous life. Themes of grief, healing, joy, inheritance, purpose, love, earth.
Go to the profile of Dani Fleischer
Dani Fleischer
Personal essayist. Hard at work on my memoir. Facebook.com/DaniFleischerWriter
Go to the profile of Elyssa Goodman
Go to the profile of Sarai Perez
Sarai Perez
Setting myself free through words of love and honesty.
Go to the profile of J. Colette Prosper
J. Colette Prosper
Colette is a Haitian-American writer from Brooklyn who thinks ‘Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead’ is a phenomenal movie. She now lives in Los Angeles.
Go to the profile of Lauren Sieben
Lauren Sieben
Writer in Milwaukee. Work appears in the Washington Post, The Guardian, Belt Magazine, Milwaukee Magazine, Midwest Living and others. laurensieben.com
Go to the profile of Alison Stevenson
Alison Stevenson
Female comedian and girl writer. Awful at being my own editor (but working on it!!!).
Go to the profile of Gabriel Nathan
Gabriel Nathan
Gabe is Editor in Chief of OC87 Recovery Diaries, a mental health publication. He is a suicide awareness advocate and is attracted to toxic car relationships.
Go to the profile of Chelsea Anet
Chelsea Anet
Writer and figment of your imagination. I write about pain, consciousness, and psychedelics. Subscribe to my free Substack: https://substack.com/@chelseaanet
Go to the profile of Tom Matsuda
Tom Matsuda
Writer from London. Words in OneZero, Human Parts, Al Jazeera.
Go to the profile of Michael McLeod
Michael McLeod
Freelance writer and educator from Johannesburg, South Africa
Go to the profile of D.A. Kirk
D.A. Kirk
Outer space enthusiast. Japanese history junkie. I write about politics, culture, and mental illness. Disagreement is a precursor to progress.
Go to the profile of Elaine Kasket
Elaine Kasket
Speaker, coach, cyberpsychologist. Author of REBOOT: Reclaiming Your Life in a Tech-Obsessed World and All the Ghosts in the Machine.
Go to the profile of Michael Sendrow
Michael Sendrow
Writer, psychoanalyst, and music fan otherwise
Go to the profile of Maura McNamara
Maura McNamara
Artist and seeker. Host of The Unbroken Chain podcast. www.maurajames.com
Go to the profile of Jamie Cattanach
Jamie Cattanach
Writer based in Portland, Oregon
Go to the profile of Riley Black
Riley Black
Distant cousin of T. rex. Author of Skeleton Keys, My Beloved Brontosaurus, and more. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @Laelaps. http://rileyblack.net
Go to the profile of Molly Martin
Molly Martin
Follow me @mollydbu on Instagram (for all the food) and Twitter (for all the thoughts). Wilmington, Vermont -> Gainesville, FL ->Denver, CO.
Go to the profile of Kim Cooper Findling
Kim Cooper Findling
Fifth-generation Oregonian and writer, editor, publisher, author, mother. Essay is my favorite form. Beach is my favorite place. kimcooperfindling.com
Go to the profile of Michael Oman-Reagan
Michael Oman-Reagan
Student of life, the universe, and everything. patreon.com/SpaceFutures
Go to the profile of Kristine Hadeed
Kristine Hadeed
Critical thinker and non-partisan community organizer advocating for the liberation and dignity of all people.
Go to the profile of Ace Callwood
Ace Callwood
I build brands at Equal Sons, tell stories at Evolve, shape healthcare at the Healthcare Innovation Consortium, and facilitate diversity conversations at TMI.
Go to the profile of Sophie Lucido Johnson
Sophie Lucido Johnson
A person who writes and draws and eats her feelings.
Go to the profile of Neurodiverging Coaching
Neurodiverging Coaching
An online, sliding scale neurodivergent coaching practice supporting folks worldwide. Learn more at Neurodiverging.com.
Go to the profile of Emily Kirkpatrick
Emily Kirkpatrick
Emily Kirkpatrick is a writer for hire currently covering all things Vanities at Vanity Fair.
Go to the profile of Erica Rhodes
Erica Rhodes
Comedian of all trades.
Go to the profile of Dakota Morlan
Dakota Morlan
News editor and independent journalist from the land of bullfrogs, cattle and cannabis. To read more, visit dakotamorlan.com and subscribe. @DakotaNMorlan
Go to the profile of Meghan Gunn
Meghan Gunn
Meghan Gunn is a writer. https://www.meghangunn.com/ tweeting @95gunn
Go to the profile of Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum
Weekly blogger for Medium. Host of @TheUnspeakPod. Author of six books, including The Problem With Everything. www.theunspeakablepodcast.com www.meghandaum.com
Go to the profile of Molly Martin
Molly Martin
I’m a long-time tradeswoman activist and retired electrician/electrical inspector in Santa Rosa CA.
Go to the profile of Jude Ellison S. Doyle
Jude Ellison S. Doyle
Author of “Trainwreck” (Melville House, ‘16) and “Dead Blondes and Bad Mothers” (Melville House, ‘19). Columns published far and wide across the Internet.
Go to the profile of Christiana White
Christiana White
Writer | Reader | Mother | Cook | Support my writing here ➜ https://christianawhite.medium.com/membership
Go to the profile of Simone Keelah Brathwaite
Simone Keelah Brathwaite
A self-proclaimed freedom chaser who writes about self-development, spirituality, relationships, & black folx thangs. Sign up for updates www.SimoneKeelah.com.
Go to the profile of Kate Stone Lombardi
Kate Stone Lombardi
Journalist/author. Contributor NYT 20+ years. Also WSJ, Time.com, GH, AARP, more. Author: Mama’s Boy Myth (Penguin/Avery 2012). Cook. Besotted grandmother.
Go to the profile of Gammons Thome
Gammons Thome
Gammons Thome was born in the late 19th century and has been dedicated every day since to broaden the love and protect the sanctity of the game of baseball.
Go to the profile of Catherine Kapphahn
Catherine Kapphahn
Catherine Kapphahn is the author of Immigrant Daughter: Stories You Never Told Me https://www.amazon.com/Immigrant-Daughter-Stories-Never-Told/dp/0578545020/ref
Go to the profile of Savala Nolan
Savala Nolan
uc berkeley law professor and essayist @ vogue, time, harper’s, NYT, NPR, and more | Simon & Schuster and HarperCollins | she/her | IG @notquitebeyonce
Go to the profile of Shinyung Oh
Shinyung Oh
Former lawyer, associate marriage & family therapist, www.capriciousbubbles.com
Go to the profile of Maud Newton
Maud Newton
Author of ANCESTOR TROUBLE, a best book of 2022 per New Yorker, NPR, WaPo... Bylines in NYT Mag, Guardian... Newsletter sign-up in Linktree. Opinions mine. She.
Go to the profile of Kayla Jean
Kayla Jean
writing to make sense of it all
Go to the profile of Jack Shepherd
Jack Shepherd
I have a newsletter about crossword puzzles and a podcast about rom-coms. Formerly editorial director @BuzzFeed. Email: JackAShepherd at gmail
Go to the profile of Ellen Stephenson
Ellen Stephenson
I’m a longtime journaler & blooming writer. Observer of culture & relationships. I tend to write memoir but aspire to dabble in historical fiction.
Go to the profile of Henya Drescher
Henya Drescher
Psychological thrillers writer, wife, mother, weightlifter, gardener. Stolen Truth on Amazon.
Go to the profile of Obinna Uruakpa
Obinna Uruakpa
I am your Brother and a Seeker of the Infinite. I came this time among the Igbos. I share the sights, sounds, and scents of my journey in simple stories. .
Go to the profile of Bev Potter
Bev Potter
Legal secretary by day, insomniac by night. Ally. BA, MA. Humor, pop culture, and things that make you think. My weekly-ish newsletter is bevpotter.substack.com
Go to the profile of Aurelia Bliss
Aurelia Bliss
I write nonfiction, fiction, and sort-of-sort-of-not fiction. Whatever I'm writing at the moment is always me giving a peek. Top writer in Humor and History.
Go to the profile of Amna Fayyaz
Amna Fayyaz
CEO at H.A Industries Entrepreneur Businesswomen for contact email me at amnafayyaz747@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Ronna Lou
Ronna Lou
Writes on Quora.com/profile/Ronna-Lou and Romance Coach for Philippine-women.com
Go to the profile of Richa S
Richa S
I help you navigate intl. career transitions having lived and worked in 3 continents. Download my free e-book - https://topmate.io/richa_singhsharma/374088
Go to the profile of Paul Gilbert
Paul Gilbert
Writer, producer, creative director at CNN, the NBA and Heart at Work. Four decades into the game, it’s always about the story.
Go to the profile of Indiegirl822
I'm Bindu. Lawyer/Exec. Reflections on politics, race, Gen X, feminism, intersectionality, multi-cultural life.
Go to the profile of Ashley Broadwater
Ashley Broadwater
Freelance writer on multiple platforms. On Medium: writing tips + relationships. UNC-CH Journalism + Media. Newsletter + more: www.linktr.ee/ashleybroadwater
Go to the profile of angela l smith
angela l smith
archaeologist, writer, engineer & mom
Go to the profile of Leah Welborn
Leah Welborn
Empower Your Magical Self with me. I'm the Mystic Autistic, a writer and spiritual baddie. LeahWelborn.net.
Go to the profile of Jessica Lim
Jessica Lim
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing … or both | Reach out 👋 jessicalim813@gmail.com
Go to the profile of das651@msn.com
Involved in all things that engage our minds and strengthen our souls. Art making, curating, writing, entrepreneurial endeavors.
Go to the profile of Moyosore Quadri
Moyosore Quadri
Fiction | Poetry | Satire | Tomfoolery | Creative Non-Fiction; Master of none.
Go to the profile of Chelsea Nelthropp
Chelsea Nelthropp
Lost in a poetic daydream.
Go to the profile of Margaret Dunn
Go to the profile of Sally McClellan
Sally McClellan
SALLY McCLELLAN is a writer, actor and retired special education teacher. She’s an alumnus of U.C. Irvine and lives in northern California.
Go to the profile of Colleen Patten
Colleen Patten
Writer. Fellow human.
Go to the profile of Kristen Caven
Kristen Caven
Author of books, writer of plays, maker of scenes. Also likes shoes and jello. My books are at www.kristencaven.com
Go to the profile of Liam Hunter-Bailey
Liam Hunter-Bailey
A place where I share my thoughts. Feel free to share yours. 🌻
Go to the profile of Rebecca Langley Jensen
Rebecca Langley Jensen
An actress who writes or a writer who acts, or just a person with too many hobbies.
Go to the profile of Joy
I believe YOLO, but not in the hippie dare devil kind of way, although I am a bit of a hippie on most days, and I dare to go up against my fears often.
Go to the profile of Kelsey L.O.
Kelsey L.O.
Texan/Norwegian = Texawegian. Forever dwelling in the realm of possibility and curiosity. Editor of The Lucid Prose. Find me on instagram: @hellokelseylo
Go to the profile of Katie Johnson
Katie Johnson
Triathlon coach, psychology junkie, and writer with a passion for helping people get better at life (while also trying to get better at life)
Go to the profile of Willow Baum
Willow Baum
Writes about freedom and connection. She is also an end-of-life guide and "death doula" at FriendForTheEnd.com and http://bit.ly/resourcesfordying
Go to the profile of Nitin Dangwal
Nitin Dangwal
Writing stories, poems and a little bit of everything about life
Go to the profile of Sarah Coller
Sarah Coller
Mom of 9, Wife of 1. Freely sharing what I've freely been given.
Go to the profile of Matt Lillywhite
Matt Lillywhite
Storyteller and part-time procrastinator. Writing to inspire, entertain, and avoid doing laundry. Substack: https://mattlillywhite.substack.com/subscribe
Go to the profile of Swathi Parasuraman
Swathi Parasuraman
Cafe hopper & anime geek who writes what catches her fancy. Oh, also a murder mystery enthusiast
Go to the profile of Rebecca Ruth Gould, PhD
Rebecca Ruth Gould, PhD
Poetry & politics. Free Palestine 🇵🇸. Caucasus & Iran. Writer, Educator, Translator & Editor. rgould.substack.com https://www.soas.ac.uk/about/rebecca-gould
Go to the profile of Natalie C. Morris
Natalie C. Morris
Tumbleweed nurse based in New Mexico, riding and writing her way around the American West (on her days off).
Go to the profile of Adam Overland
Adam Overland
Minneapolis. I've written humor columns for 3 print publications, so naturally that's dead and here I am. All my latest in life at adamoverland.com.
Go to the profile of Dr. Caitlin Blau
Dr. Caitlin Blau
Budding writer, voracious reader, opinionated doctor.
Go to the profile of LibrariAnna
Anna Eliza Rose is a bisexual, neurodivergent librarian who writes raw about sex, love, Autism, health, family, books, & the self. Married to a man. Mom of 4.
Go to the profile of Psychotherapist Vibes
Psychotherapist Vibes
Clinical Psychotherapist (LCSW). B.A. of Speech Communication & Rhetoric. Master of Social Work (MSW). Centrist Moderate.
Go to the profile of Kim Diggs
Kim Diggs
I'm a queer, black content marketing pro who loves pop culture. If I put that in a blender, you'd get my corner of Medium. Follow if that sounds like your jam.
Go to the profile of Oraorn Srichiangwang
Oraorn Srichiangwang
Personal Empowerment and Accountability coach | Change Catalyst | The Gentle Achiever
Go to the profile of Carolyn Stone
Carolyn Stone
Years of crafting words have ignited a passion. Go farther, now! Time is precious, and I'm determined to use mine through the power of writing.
Go to the profile of Derek Bremer
Derek Bremer
When not tending to my family I enjoy travel, long walks on the beach, and animal husbandry.
Go to the profile of The Socioholic
The Socioholic
Nicole is a lifelong student who loves the written word. She authors content with substance and value on topics ranging from self-reflection to social activism.
Go to the profile of Isha Kotecha Patel, Ph.D.
Isha Kotecha Patel, Ph.D.
A reader— to better understand myself and the world around me. Sometimes a writer— to share what I find.
Go to the profile of Jim Marcotte
Jim Marcotte
Optimistic malcontent. Part curmudgeon, part chameleon. Fountain of knowledge/some of it true. Copywriter, licensing agent, marketer, dog person.
Go to the profile of Nancy Solari
Nancy Solari
I am the CEO of Living Full Out: a coach, a motivational speaker, and radio host, sharing tools for success with audiences and organizations across the country.
Go to the profile of Stephanie Sora
Stephanie Sora
sparkly fieldnotes on psychology, spirituality, love, revolution
Go to the profile of Maii-Michaella Miatti Fallara
Maii-Michaella Miatti Fallara
“An enigmatic whisper in time, my words—a gateway to the soul’s odyssey, remembered in the silence of the stars.”
Go to the profile of Peter Schooff
Peter Schooff
Published in the NY Times, McSweeney’s, More Mirth of a Nation, Data Juice, and The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature. Which one is the lie?
Go to the profile of Not Even Wine With Dinner
Not Even Wine With Dinner
Kristen Crisp is a writer of stories on life, love, loss, liquor and the daily struggles with sobriety. My mantra is to "Find Yourself and Love What You Find".
Go to the profile of Cassandra Welch
Cassandra Welch
Writer. Reader. Dreamer.
Go to the profile of Christi Olivier Allen
Christi Olivier Allen
A nerd. Storyteller, writer, teacher, overthinker, rabid fan of music, political geek, and spiritual seeker.
Go to the profile of Joe Top
Joe Top
I write self-improvement advice for people in and around their 20s! 📈 [About Me: Straight A Student, Marathon Runner/Gym Addict, Physiotherapist]
Go to the profile of Paula M. Fitzgibbons
Paula M. Fitzgibbons
Writer published in NYT, Scary Mommy, & more. Ex-Lutheran pastor, now penning a memoir on breaking abuse cycles. Knitter, runner, hiker, wife, mom of three.
Go to the profile of Seeds of Tempest
Seeds of Tempest
🌍 Educator & storyteller blending sustainability, emotional intelligence, and travel. Sharing insights on growth, connection, and living courageously. 🌱
Go to the profile of Kimberly Garts Crum
Kimberly Garts Crum
Essayist. Teacher. Seeker. Editor. Writing Coach. Co-editor of the Landslide Lit(erary) publication on Medium
Go to the profile of Happy Lizzy
Happy Lizzy
I am a reflective soul shaped by diverse experiences quite early in life. Writing is my safe space.
Go to the profile of Daphne aka “Moley”
Daphne aka “Moley”
I write personal essays, some are humorous, some are serious, but they’re all heartfelt! You can buy me a coffee here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dfayeboxilA
Go to the profile of Olena Klymenko
Olena Klymenko
A writer who loves to take physical and cognitive trips. I can go hours and pages talking about the big things that make up our little lives. And vice versa 🧶
Go to the profile of Allison Burney
Allison Burney
Writer, ghostwriter & proofreader. On a mission to keep exploring, learning & enjoying this adventure we call life. Work with me: allisonburney.com
Go to the profile of Cecilia Fiorucci
Cecilia Fiorucci
I live with schizoaffective disorder (depressive type). Here, I share my story, as well as my tips to manage the illness.
Go to the profile of Ferg
A lover of fiction and stories that move. Come in! It's cold out there! I have a fire going- have some hot choco- or tea, I suppose, if you have no taste buds.
Go to the profile of Erika Rose Larson
Erika Rose Larson
Satire and Substance: A sharp look at the world through wit, wisdom, and the occasional tangent.
Go to the profile of Jeffree Morel
Jeffree Morel
Creative, poet, student of nature. I write poems, cultural analysis, and essays from a cheeky social ecology perspective.