Women of My Family, I Beg You: Let Me Die Alone

Please accept that maybe, just maybe, I want to be single

Jake Kilroy
Human Parts


Illustration: Luciano Lozano/Getty Images

Dear ladies of this particular ancestral shield, who refuse to allow me to live out my days as a bachelor of poise and equanimity:

Ah, my wonderfully charming kinswomen! There are simply not enough holidays in the year for us to gather together and celebrate the richness of life. It is always such a merry occasion to be in your presence, as you all have such a fiery zest for existence. And now, I am straight-up begging you to let me die alone.


Please be open to the idea that I may want to live, and very well exit this world, riding a spiritual motorcycle without a spiritual sidecar.

You see, after years of enduring the same narrow dialogue, my mind, my spirit, and indeed my body have weakened. Tell me about your job, your hobbies, your anything; hell, unburden yourself of all your opinions about your damnable commute and those marital troubles that have ventured well beyond mild suspicion!

For I can no longer endure such exchanges:

“You should get a girlfriend.”

“There are actually a few friendly women in my life right now.”

