Enjoying The Little Things That Make Life Worth Living

I want to live in the present moment because time is a currency I can’t earn back.

Matt Lillywhite
Human Parts


A close up photo of man smiling. Behind him, mountains and a river are visible.
I felt extremely content during a riverside walk with my girlfriend. Photo taken by the author’s girlfriend and used with permission.

There’s a beach just around the corner from my apartment. Perched on the clifftop overlooking the ocean is an old bench, its wood worn smooth by countless seasons.

I come here every morning. There’s a gentle miracle in the dawn that seems almost too delicate to touch. The air is crisp and cool, carrying the faint scent of salt and seaweed. It’s moments like these, delicate and fleeting, that allow me to reflect and find inner peace.

A bench sits on top of a cliff next to a gravel path. In the distance, a beach is visible.
Here is the wooden bench where I’d sit on top of the clifftop each morning and contemplate life. Photo taken by the author.

I walk further up the clifftop path beside a row of nearby houses. A man is tending to his garden, watering some flowers. Reminds me of when my grandfather and my childhood self planted flowers, watered them in the spring, and jumped up and down for joy when they finally bloomed.

“We’re not just planting seeds,” my grandfather said. “We’re believing in them!”

I can’t help but smile whenever I think about those good old days. Back when life wasn’t filled with endless responsibilities and deadlines. When the biggest thing…



Matt Lillywhite
Human Parts

Full-time storyteller, part-time procrastinator. Writing to inspire, entertain, and avoid doing laundry. Substack: https://mattlillywhite.substack.com/subscribe