For Years, I Wished My Sister Would Go Away

Then, the story changed

Brad Snyder
Human Parts


Siblings. Image courtesy of the author.

In kindergarten, my high school “buddy,” Carolyn, asked me questions during her first classroom visit.

“What’s your favorite treat?”

“Cupcakes and chocolate milk,” I said.

“What’s your favorite sport?”


Then, she asked, “What do you want more than anything else in the world?”

I did not hesitate. “A new sister.”

My wish became the basis of an illustrated book that Carolyn created for me called Bradley’s New Companion.

The main character is me, an only child who yearns for a sibling to play with. Colorful illustrations show the boy imagining a future with a younger sister — climbing trees, playing house, and fishing at a lake. The boy imagines his sister becoming his best friend.

At the story’s end, the boy excitedly greets his new baby sister, who is being held in his mother’s arms.

It’s a sweet story.

But in real life, I wasn’t an only child. I already had a sister, Jennifer, four years older than me.

I was just hoping for a replacement.

