Planet Soul

Free Will Astrology, Week of June 10

Weekly horoscopes from astrologer Rob Brezsny

Rob Brezsny
Human Parts
Published in
7 min readJun 9, 2021


March 21-April 19

Aries actor Leonard Nimoy became mega-famous by playing the role of Spock, an alien from the planet Vulcan in the Star Trek franchise. He always enjoyed the role, but in 1975, he wrote an autobiography called I Am Not Spock. In it, he clarified how different he was from the character he performed. In 1995, Nimoy published a follow-up autobiography, I Am Spock, in which he described the ways in which he was similar to the fictional alien. In the spirit of Nimoy’s expansive self-definition, Aries, and in accordance with current astrological potentials, I invite you to make it clear to people exactly who you are and who you aren’t.

April 20-May 20

The poet Rumi declared, “A lover has four streams inside, of water, wine, honey, and milk.” With that in mind, Taurus, I will recommend that you seek a boost in the honey department. Your passions and feelings have been flowing along fairly well, but lately, they’ve lacked some sweetness. As a result, you’re not receiving as much of the sweetness you need from the world around you. So your assignment is to intensify the honey stream within you! Remember the principle “Like attracts like.”

May 21-June 20

I’m glad you’re not on the planet Saturn right now. The winds there can blow at 1,000 miles per hour. But I would like you to feel a brisk breeze as you wander around in nature here on Earth. Why? Because according to my interpretation of the current astrological omens, winds will have a cleansing effect on you. They will clear your mind of irrelevant worries and trivial concerns. They’ll elevate your thoughts as well as your feelings. Do you know the origin of the English word “inspire”? It’s from the Latin word inspirare, meaning “blow into, breathed upon by spirit.” Its figurative meaning is “to inspire, excite, inflame.” The related Latin word spiritus refers to “a breathing of the wind” and “breath of a god” — hence “inspiration, breath of life.”

June 21-July 22

Cancerian author Franz Kafka put his characters into surreal dilemmas. In his novella The



Rob Brezsny
Human Parts

I write the column Free Will Astrology and wrote the book Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings