‘How Are You Doing?’ Isn’t a Trick Question

When your friends ask how you’re doing, tell them

Cassidy Symons
Human Parts


Photo by Harli Marten on Unsplash

“I’m doing alright, how about you?”

For years, the answer was nearly automatic. A friend or co-worker would ask how I was doing, and I didn’t even have to think about it. I’d spit out the same mechanical response and move on.

Sometimes it was accurate, but mostly not. There were days I was feeling fantastic, days I was nearly broken, and everything in between. Regardless, the question rarely even reached the conscious part of my brain, even with my closest friends. I had no more desire to share my successes and happiness than I did my failures and sadness.

Worse yet, it wasn’t intentional. I wasn’t planning to hide my feelings from friends. Due to some combination of insecurities, introversion, and emotional laziness, evasion had become my default setting.

The first time I realized I was doing it was roughly five years ago. I had just arrived at a good friend’s house for dinner and drinks. We sat down, opened a beer, and started catching up. Unsurprisingly, he asked how I was doing, and my stock answer came popping out while I dedicated my mental energy to the beer in my hand.

“Cass, you could have a spear sticking out of your side, and you’d still say…



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