I Have Sacrificed Taste For Health

How dietary discipline has benefitted me, and why I have stuck to eating the same thing over and over again for 36 months

Vickey Maverick.
Human Parts


There is an eating pattern that I have been following diligently in recent times, a daily routine, so to speak.

My mornings begin with a glass of fenugreek water. A few years ago, a doctor told me this concoction, even though a tad bitter, helps keep the blood pressure in check. The breakfast comprises two slices of multi-grain bread, butter, eggs (in any form), and a cup of coffee.

That being said, I always make it a point to have coffee at least an hour after I wake up. The body needs caffeine, no doubt, but at an appropriate time. As such, in between the glass of water and the preparation (and consumption) of the breakfast, there are activities like some basic exercises, yoga and watering the plants.

A regular lunch, whenever it is possible, consists of a healthy protein option and a bowl of salad. Taking the Apple to work is imperative, but I also make it a point to carry a fruit by that name. If work keeps me preoccupied and I am not able to have a regular lunch, the apple ensures I don’t remain on an empty stomach.



Vickey Maverick.
Human Parts

Ditch the Niche: Focused on providing insightful narratives on diverse topics like culture, health, history, slice of life, sports, travel, work, and on writing