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I Was a Failed Trophy Wife-In-Training

My mother seemed to think you could catch being upper class, like it was a cold

Gabrielle Moss
Human Parts
Published in
13 min readMar 1, 2021


Photo: cottonbro/Pexels

When I was 12, my mother and I were in this ongoing argument. She wanted me to grow up to become a trophy wife; I wanted to grow up to write one really cool novel and then die while I was still hot.

I mean, she wasn’t that explicit about it. Whenever the topic of my future came up, she’d begin by naming the only two rich person professions lower-middle-class parents know (doctor and lawyer). It was plain for anyone to see that I had neither the interest nor aptitude to become a member of any of the life-saving professions; I was a former gifted child who was now flunking out of junior high because I stayed up until 2 a.m. every night reading true crime books with names like Fatal Innocence and Blind Doubt and Cruel Faith. But really, the “doctor/ lawyer” stuff was fake, a caveat so no one could accuse her of not being a feminist when she finally said what she really wanted for me: to find a wealthy orthodontist who would sweep me away to his magical kingdom in the far-away land of Long Island.

“I just want you to have an easy life,” my mother told me, while packing my miserable ass off to yet another humiliating tennis lesson. She believed, fervently…



Gabrielle Moss
Gabrielle Moss

Written by Gabrielle Moss

“I was feeling very depressed, which is how most stories start.” —Amy Heckerling * buy my damn books:

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