I’m Often at the End of My Rope as a Mom of Two

What will having a third do to me?

Lindsay Hunter
Human Parts


Image: Milkos/iStock via Getty Images Plus

I’I’m about to be the mother of three. Three is like 800 percent more than one. That’s just math. Are you even a parent if you only have one child? I’m sorry, that’s my hormones talking, and also my exhaustion, because even though I bought the fancy sleep belt with the most comfortable yet nerdiest built-in side padding, it still requires me to be fully alert to turn from one side to another, which I need to do multiple times a night WHILE GRUNTING, so I spend those waking moments fantasizing about having that contraption they lift whales with at my bedside, ready at the touch of a button.

I digress.

My primary concern with having multiple children has always been that I will turn into a witchy yellhead who’s forgotten that there is pleasure to be had in life. I remember meandering out of a Starbucks with my then only 2.5-year-old, each of us taking our time, kicking rocks, pointing at flowers and interesting trash, and a mom behind me suddenly saying, “Oh my god, you’re so patient!” I turned and saw that she had three kids, all of whom were drifting in different directions, littering and veering into traffic and agreeing to accompany a nice pantsless stranger to his van, and I felt a haughty sort of sympathy for her. She’d made a mess of her life, was the…



Lindsay Hunter
Human Parts

Lindsay Hunter is the author of two story collections and two novels, most recently Eat Only When You’re Hungry. She lives in Chicago.