This Is Us

My Boyfriend’s Family Was Not a Replacement for My Own

I still want to fill that void, but I’ve accepted it may not happen

Dani Fleischer
Human Parts
Published in
6 min readNov 12, 2020


Cheerful family toasting drinks.
Photo: Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images

A few weeks ago, my boyfriend Kevin had a fight with his sister. Not something you’d think would send me spiraling into an emotional breakdown. Well, allow me to introduce myself then: I’m Dani, and sometimes I lose my mind over things as banal as sibling spats. I spent a week doing the following:

  1. Alternating between crying and tending to my spasming neck.
  2. Not eating.
  3. Meddling and making things worse.

Because, if I’ve learned anything over the course of my lifetime, it’s this: I can see the future.

To give some context as to why a fight between a brother and a sister would rile me up so much, I need to say a few words — three in particular: cornucopia of dysfunction. That’s what someone once called my family. For reasons about which I’m writing an entire memoir (*shameless self-promotion), my family’s been fractured for years — here are the cliff’s notes: mental illness, addiction, and financial ruin. We are not a family that gets all warm and fuzzy at holidays, and over the last 10 years, that fact has filled me with a sadness I thought I wouldn’t survive. I did.

