My Guardian Angel’s Name is William

Momma in Her Midlife Speaks About Her Divine Encounters

Auri Lynn Thomson
Human Parts


Crated by DALL-E / Edited by Author

Ever since I can remember, I’ve had a strong intuition and connection to the stranger things in life. I’m talking about angels, spirits, and spiritual guides. I know the skeptics out there are rolling their eyes right about now. I don’t blame them. If it weren’t for the fact that I’ve had several very personal experiences that have made me believe, I’d be a skeptic too. The most intense experiences I’ve had were three encounters with my guardian angel.

The first time I met my guardian angel was in a dream. It wasn’t a normal dream. Not only was it incredibly vibrant and tangible, but it was memorable. I was around 7 years old at the time. The dream started off with me walking to school. I was on the sidewalk with the occasional car going by. I walked past the high school toward the intersection. It was all very dreamlike in the sense that it seemed blurry, dull looking, and quiet. Suddenly, it was like I stepped through a door and the world around me, although the same road, became real. The colors were vivid. I could feel a breeze on my face. I could hear birds flying overhead. I wasn’t alone on the sidewalk anymore. A man was walking beside me. He wore a long tan trench coat and glasses. He was tall and had nicely styled dark hair. The weirdest thing is he smelled…



Auri Lynn Thomson
Human Parts

Wife. Mother. Author. Survivor. Pansexual. Jester of all trades! Expanding my horizons, breaking stereotypes, and getting out of my comfort zones!