My Heart Aches For The Dreams And Mystery I Felt As A Child

Adulthood is not the trip I thought it was

Kim Fedyk
Human Parts
Published in
5 min readMay 31, 2024


Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

“Do you remember what it was like to be that carefree?” the question lingers on the air and drifts to each of the parents sitting at the table.

Our children are running around the living room, throwing a balloon up into the air. They have been playing the game for ages and their joy has not ebbed one bit. Their laughter rings throughout the room, covering the empty silence of the question.

I look around the table, taking in the exhaustion hiding behind eye bags, the stress lurking just below the surface. I know this is mirrored in my face as well — the not-so-hidden toll of adulthood.

“Barely.” I reply to my friend. “But I sure wish I could go back to that.”

My memories of childhood are filled with love, laughter, and happiness. I remember long summer days that felt like they were filled with endless possibilities. I remember the excitement of waking up each morning on summer vacation. I would go out on the porch, still in my pajamas and feel the warmth on my skin. I still remember the calm I felt, imagining the rest of the world just waking up and knowing that today was going to be a great day.



Kim Fedyk
Human Parts

Published author, freelancer, wife and mom. I blog about motherhood, life and feminism. Need a freelance blog-writer? Reach out to me on Instagram @Fedykkim