My Preschool Music Students Hate This Song

And that makes me happy

Laura Lind
Human Parts


Girl covering her ears and screaming
Mandyme27 | Pixabay

As I sit down at the piano, a few of my preschool music students cover their ears.

“Oh, no!” one of them says.

“I hate this song!” another complains.

Music to my ears.

Choosing songs to teach the children can be a difficult, time-consuming process. Over the years, I have pored through music books, listened to hundreds of CDs and cassette tapes (I’ve been teaching a long time), and watched countless YouTube videos, in search of those songs that have the potential to be hits.

I’ve mostly succeeded. I know I’ve found the perfect song when I finish it and the first word out of the kids’ mouths is “again.” In the infant/toddler classes where the kids are too young to talk, they will often use the American Sign Language sign for “more” when they like a song.

It’s great to get some feedback because, “again” aside, I often have no idea which activities really grab them. Every once in a great while, a parent will kindly tell me that their child sings a certain song at home or talks about an activity they enjoyed. But mostly, I can only gage my success rate by the children’s smiles, eagerness, and willingness to participate.



Laura Lind
Human Parts

I write articles about music, pop culture, mindfulness, nature, and animals. I enjoy sharing life lessons, memoir, and photos, too.