Forget the Toxic Males: Nice Guys Don’t Always Finish Last

Ronna Lou
3 min readMay 25, 2023
smiling man wearing black shirt
Photo by Nappy on Pexels

Why do toxic guys get all the luck with women, but those decent and nice ones are just left in the dust?

I know this doesn’t happen to every man. But there’s a reason why the “nice guys finish last” argument exists.

We often hear stories from women choosing to be with someone who treats them poorly, over a kind and caring partner.

It’s like trying to choose between a kale salad and a double cheeseburger — sure, the salad may be the healthier choice, but sometimes you just can’t resist the greasy goodness.

But I’m not here to tell those decent men to change themselves. We don’t need any more toxicity in this world. Let’s knock it off.

Rather, I want to tell you that nice guys don’t always finish last. Here’s why.

Kindness is attractive.

In the realm of romantic relationships, kindness is indeed an attractive quality.

And as many people know, nice guys often exhibit kindness in the form of thoughtfulness, empathy, and respect.

People with these traits are perceived as desirable partners as they indicate emotional intelligence and a genuine concern for others.

So if you’re a nice guy, don’t be afraid to let your kindness shine. It’s not a curse to be kind, but rather a gift that not everyone possesses.

There is effective communication.

In a world full of toxicity, you’re lucky if you find someone who knows how to communicate their feelings and needs.

However, according to my female friends who have had the pleasure of meeting nice guys, these men seem to have a knack for open and healthy communication.

These nice guys understand that communication isn’t just about talking, it’s also about truly listening and understanding other people’s perspective.

With their kind and empathetic nature, they create a safe space for others to share their thoughts and feelings openly.

And you may not know this, but I have met a lot of people, especially women, who want a partner like that.

Emotional stability is present.

Nice guys have a reputation for being more emotionally stable than their toxic counterparts. And according to a study entitled “Do Nice Guys-and Gals-Really Finish Last? The Joint Effects of Sex and Agreeableness on Income,” it was found that women rated men who scored high on agreeableness and emotional stability as more attractive, both for short-term and long-term relationships.

The researchers suggest that these traits are signals of a partner who is more likely to be supportive, understanding, and committed to the relationship.

Knowing that these qualities are highly valued by many women, this is empowering for nice guys who have previously felt overlooked or undervalued.

Nice Guys Can Win

Some women may prefer toxic men over nice men, but it’s only a matter of time before they realize they’ve chosen the wrong path.

We’ve all seen how toxic people interact with others, and it’s not pretty. In the end, I believe that those who choose the nice guys will have better relationships because many of these guys have the traits discussed in this article.

So if you’re a nice guy, keep being that way. Someone deserving of you will see your worth as a partner one day.

