Reading Roulette

Stories That Have Little to Do With Life as We Know It

This week: Norwegian death metal, the astrology of ‘Mad Men,’ and more

Human Parts
Human Parts
Published in
4 min readApr 17, 2020


A photo of a woman with paper collage going through her head.
Photo: Tara Moore/Getty Images

At Human Parts, we spend our days scouring the Medium platform for essays and perspectives we think our audience would love. Along the way, we stumble upon countless stories that surprise us — proof of the internet’s ability to deliver what we didn’t know we needed. Each week, we’ll share a few of our favorites, along with recommended reading from across Medium, in a roundup we call ‘Reading Roulette.’ If you come across anything we missed, let us know in the responses!

While we tend to have a more generous view of the much-maligned Gemini, we nonetheless applaud Molly Mulshine’s thorough and entertaining study in astrological archetypes, as portrayed on the AMC hit series Mad Men.

Quarantine homework: Watch all seven seasons of Mad Men, paying particular attention to your sign brethren. Leave a comment below detailing any psychological breakthroughs experienced along the…



Human Parts
Human Parts

Recommended reading from the editors of Human Parts, a Medium publication about humanity.