Tarotscopes for the Full Moon in Pisces

Insights for deep-sea diving into our hearts

Dominique Matti
Human Parts
Published in
20 min readSep 13, 2019


Photos: Dominique Matti

II once read that we’ve only explored 5% of the ocean. The other 95% is uncharted territory — the vast majority of its horrors and delights exist beyond the reach of our gaze. I sometimes feel like my heart is like that, too. Like even when I’m afforded what I think is full access, that thing that feels like a flood is only a small drop in the bucket of my feeling potential. Or like when what I think is one feeling is really 1,000 feelings stacked on top of each other. Like nostalgia for the future, hope for the past, denial of the present. We are lucky every time we get a little more intel on our hearts. Every time we turn a forbidden corner, or get the keys to an unmarked door. Every time we dip our toes in waters that feel at once foreign and like the most familiar thing in the world.

Tonight’s Full Moon in Pisces offers us that. The revelation of more of our hearts. If you’re like me, if your heart is a place that you are sometimes afraid to occupy, don’t worry. Your heart is showing itself to you in that fear. The cards for this Full Moon are about exploring what it means to open, honor, protect, and tend to our hearts, our spirits, our immaterial selves.

You can read the tarotscopes for your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign. These messages won’t apply to everyone every time. I trust that the messages are always meant for someone, that one person is important enough, and that eventually yours will find you.

The stunning deck I’m using here is Dust II Onyx, created by Courtney Alexander. You may notice that some of the names on the cards differ from the typical titles. For reference, the blades correlate to swords, the gourds correlate to cups, the staffs correlate to wands, and the coins correlate to pentacles. Mama matches the Queen. Papa, the King. Lil’, the Page. Young, the Knight. All the numbered Major Arcana cards carry similar energy to the correlating numbered card from the Rider-Waite. If you see a card listed in parentheses, it means it flew out of the deck for you while I was shuffling, so it carries a lot of importance. Enjoy!

Aries: Strength x Young Gourd x Papa Blade x 2 of Blades

