Tell Me I’m Worth Something

We needed to matter to each other, but the words we typed told us only the worst about ourselves

Michæl Lu†z
Human Parts
19 min readFeb 21, 2017


An overhead photo of an Asian woman standing still as blurred people walk by her.
Photo: d3sign/Getty Images

TThe first person I knew online who died was younger than me. He drowned one summer, jumping from a dock, landing in a shallow spot in a lake, getting knocked unconscious, and under he went. I’d dealt with death before, my great-grandmother and a…



Michæl Lu†z
Human Parts

he/him ☉ PhD (Shakespeare, early modern drama, [post]humanism, media) ☉ games ☉ horror ☉ MY FATHER'S LONG, LONG LEGS ☉ THE UNCLE WHO WORKS FOR NINTENDO