History Doesn’t Always Repeat Itself

When the angels visited our school to protect us from The Westboro Church

Linda A. Moran
Human Parts


c. 2011, Linda Moran. The “Angels” who show up for protection from the Westboro Church, outside Tucson High School, January 12. 2011.

I used to believe that history indefinitely repeated itself. History is certainly cyclical in its happenings, but the results don’t stay the same. The “change” brought about by the event — and the reaction to it — becomes worse. The above photo references an event that occurred 13 years and six days ago: the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the deaths of six of her constituents, including nine-year-old Christina Taylor-Green. Christina, born on 9/11, would have voted in 2022.

Thirteen years. It’s hard to believe that much time has passed and the country has changed so dramatically — and not for the better. The history person inside me continues to have a difficult time adjusting to — and accepting — changes since Reagan, and I cringe when I hear of some new law or policy designed to keep us “safer,” or make our lives “better” through restricting the rights of marginal groups — like women.

Being a teacher during traumatic events like these is more difficult than those outside the profession realize. We are a different type of first responder. We’re the ones who have to calm children and explain what just happened — as if we ourselves know the answers. We have to hold back our own grief, as well…



Linda A. Moran
Human Parts

Artist, Author, Activist; truth-telling in history; redefining myself as a widow for a new decade. lindamoran.org