The Preschooler’s Question That Floored Me

It was magical

Laura Lind
Human Parts


No smoking sign — a cigarette in a red circle with a line through it
Photo by Laura Lind

The four-year-old boy was leaving my classroom when he asked me something I’d never been asked. That’s saying a lot, considering how many questions I field every day.

Teaching music classes to preschoolers, I feel like I double as a search engine. Kids are naturally curious and want to know about the world around them. Since kids generally live in the now, they want to know about things that will affect them, and about what they see right in front of them. These are typical questions lobbed my way:

“What are we doing today?”

“Can we use the disco light?”

“Why do you have a Band-Aid on your finger?”

In my classroom, I often feel like I’m at a press conference in a sea of Associated Press journalists. Everything from the sound of the air conditioner to my clothing choices is fair game for questioning. Among the 4- and 5-year-olds, a common inquiry concerns the living status of whichever composer we’re hearing.

“Is he dead?”

On one particularly busy day, I was trying to squeeze activities into a lesson plan that was already bulging.

“Why are you running?” a boy asked. His perceptive question made me realize how ridiculous I must have looked…



Laura Lind
Human Parts

I write articles about music, pop culture, mindfulness, nature, and animals. I enjoy sharing life lessons, memoir, and photos, too.