The Road to Inner Peace is Paved With Idiots

After two years of spirituality school, I still struggle to forgive myself and others

Robin Finn
Human Parts


Credit: Malte Mueller/Getty Images

The Universe = Love

The essential nature of the Universe is Love and, therefore, my essential nature is Love. When I am in my Loving, I recognize the Loving Essence in others. Namaste.

I hate everyone in this room.

I sit in the auditorium at my kids’ school for my youngest daughter’s drama showcase and, everywhere I look, I see people on my shit list. There are so many of them that my oldest daughter suggests I get a file cabinet to keep it all straight. She even gives it a name: Robin’s Fight Files, four-fifths of which is devoted to the defense of my son, the one with ADHD.

So I sit in the school auditorium among the file cabinet people I hate, hating myself because:

1. I can’t stand parents who over-share with their children and the fact that my eighth-grade daughter knows who the adults are on my shit list and why means I am now one of those parents.

2. I want to be in my Loving¹ with all people and living things on the planet and being in the elementary school auditorium kills the Loving vibe for me.



Robin Finn
Human Parts

Founder of Heart. Soul. Pen.® for women writers. Book coming April 2024! Essays in @NYTimes @WashPo @LATimes. Author: “Restless in L.A.”