Planet Soul

The Spiritual World Must Face Its Shadow

If we don’t, we won’t create a more harmonious world

Patrick Paul Garlinger
Human Parts
Published in
23 min readAug 12, 2020


Photo: Nick_H/Pixabay

Imagine that you are looking to heal spiritually, only to have someone you trust abuse you with unwanted contact. Imagine you belong to a spiritual community, only to have the teacher you revere speak in a language that alienates you. Imagine you are hoping to connect with others on a similar path, only to find that spaces of healing are closed to you.

Spiritual communities have shadows, just as individuals do.

The shadow is the side of ourselves that we reject, loathe, and suppress: Nasty things we’ve done and are often ashamed of; the people we’ve betrayed or abandoned, mocked or abused; the parts of us that feel unworthy, not good enough, or unlovable. The shadow is also the way that our egos survive. The shadow can sometimes show up as delusion, arrogance, or self-aggrandizement.

As we build communities, our personal shadows take root in those relationships and structures. The shadow then shows up in how yoga, meditation, and energy healing are taught. It lurks in the business models of retreat centers like Esalen and Kripalu. It resides in the images and brands that take center stage on Instagram and Facebook.



Patrick Paul Garlinger
Human Parts

Author of Endless Awakening: Time, Paradox, and the Path to Enlightenment and other books. Former prof & lawyer, now mystic, writer, intuitive.