The universe would like to speak with you
Parents, pediatricians, and psychologists are familiar with milestones: achievements by which to measure a child’s development, ensuring that any deviations from the norm are detected and addressed as early as possible. And while our culture saddles adults with our own milestones, these tend to focus more on how well we’re assimilating to cultural standards than on whether we’re minding our psychological and spiritual evolution.
Western checkpoints go something like this: Graduate. Partner. Career. Ring. Wedding. House. Kids. No wonder so many of us forget ourselves as we pursue these external markers of “success” — they’re so deeply impersonal (and so very instrumental to upholding a culture of productivity under the guise of progress!).
Astrology takes a different perspective. That we’re ever-evolving beings: psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, and yes, materially. Baked into astrology are a series of checkpoints which ask us to contemplate our own evolution. One such milestone is the Saturn Return. Think of it as the universe giving you a performance review every ~27–29 years. Want to gauge how you’re doing? Human Parts editor-in-chief Stephanie Georgopulos unpacks what to expect when you’re expecting your Saturn Return.