Shocking Wisdom from the Mind of a 3-Year-Old

A lesson that will touch your heart.

Chris Ebongue
Human Parts


Photo by Dan Farrell on Unsplash

Why do you love me, mama? My 3-year-old asked after I kissed him goodbye and told him I loved him.

At that moment, as I rushed to get out of the house for work, I realized it was the first time he questioned my love for him.

With my heart aching, I paused and decided to sit on the floor next to him. Little did I know his innocent question would lead to a profound realization of his primary love language.

Do you feel loved?

I hugged him tight and started to list why I loved him. He looked at me happy, but his shy smile compelled me to dig deeper. I asked him:

Do you feel that I love you, Isaiah?

His response, “Yes I know you love me,” was comforting, but I yearned to understand more. So, I probed further, “How do you know that I love you?

Because you help me, Isaiah answered with his tiny baby voice.

I help you? I help you with what? I replied.

Anything, he said. If I need help turning on the light, you help me.

Hmm, OK. How else do you know that I love you? I insisted.



Chris Ebongue
Human Parts

I'm a mom & parenting coach, merging African values with Montessori philosophy for a holistic approach to raising children. Explore: