Member-only story
Times I Thought To Myself: “I’m Going to Marry This Girl”
(And then what actually happened)

Whenever my friend goes on a first date he texts me
I’m going to marry this girl
just so he’ll have the receipts in case he’s ever right. And I think about all the different times, in all the different relationships, that I thought the same.
Like when I got elbowed in the face playing frisbee and spent the afternoon with my head in your lap as you dabbed blood off my nostrils and I thought
I’m going to marry this girl
except now I can’t remember your middle name and I’m not sure I ever knew it in the first place.
There was the night we sat in Bryant Park alone under an umbrella, safe from the warm summer storm that sent hundreds fleeing, and watched a Katharine Hepburn movie shine like the sun through the darkness and I thought
I’m going to marry this girl
and years later you haven’t accepted my invitation on LinkedIn.
There was the time I thought I cracked my femur in a tubing accident and you were gently palpating my upper thigh and I broke almost every doctor-patient boundary by asking you out, and you broke the rest by saying yes and I thought