Traveling Through Time to Connect My Feelings to the Past Where They Belong

Right in the nick of time

David Milgrim
Human Parts


After years of studying the matter, both on and off the couch, I have a pretty clear thesis on why I struggle emotionally.

Developmental injuries left me feeling periodically worthless and unlovable, which I have been ineffectually trying to remedy by frantically scrambling to somehow make myself more lovable and worthwhile.

I’ve since learned that worth and love need not be hard to earn. Making a contribution and not being an ass are pretty much all it takes. Or should take. But that wasn’t my experience and the repercussions are still echoing through my nervous system.

I have now come to the part of my healing journey that involves accepting and even inviting these painful feelings into my conscious experience. (Woohoo.)

As I do this and spend more time tolerating, exploring, and feeling my feelings, I am struck to find that they feel…



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