Lived Through This

What Happens When You Have the Same Name as a Celebrity

My life as ‘the other Don Johnson’ in 1980s Miami

Don Johnson
Human Parts
Published in
7 min readFeb 15, 2021


Vintage photo of a light-skinned man with brown hair, wearing aviator shades, a leather jacket, and a polo t-shirt, standing in front of a palm tree and the ocean.
The author. Photo: P. Giantonio

The sirens woke me up, but it was the flashing lights piercing the curtains and bouncing off the walls like angry red-and-blue strobe lights that got me out of bed. I pulled on some jeans, padded downstairs, and stepped into the…



Don Johnson
Human Parts

Author | Meditation Teacher | Advocate for Kindness, Respect & Freedom | Human Potential Coach | Connect with me here: