When You Realize What (Else) You Are

In their eyes

Ben Kassoy
Human Parts


Photo: Rika Hayashi/Getty Images

When you realize you’re somebody’s:

first rodeo

free refill

lightning round

escape hatch

diversity hire

instant regret

participation trophy

happy hour

happy ending

happy gilmore

one-hit wonder


dream deferred

rock bottom

last time i swear

captive audience

netflix password




basement tapes

highlight reel

airplane mode

karma chameleon

instagram prop

chamber of secrets

prisoner of azkaban

deathly hallows


continental breakfast

dead sea scrolls

radical act of self-care

clearance sale


emotional sherpa

halfway house

house of worship

house of yes

international house of pancakes

Read Part 1, “When You Realize What You Are”



Ben Kassoy
Human Parts

Poet, writer, author of THE FUNNY THING ABOUT A PANIC ATTACK -- available now! www.benkassoy.com/books