Mind Games

If You’re Thinking About Getting Sober, You Probably Should

That little voice telling you to stop drinking might just be worth listening to

Say Zen
Human Parts
Published in
5 min readDec 28, 2018


Illustration: CSA Images/Getty Images

IfIf you’ve been thinking about getting sober in the new year—or whenever you’re reading this—but are also wondering whether it’s really necessary and actually a good idea, trust me: It is.

If you’re considering getting sober, getting sober is a good idea. The fact that you’re wondering whether you need to get sober is a sign that you need to try sobriety.

This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to stop drinking forever. Maybe you just need a break, and maybe—whatever you choose to do—your life will be fine. But in a lot of cases, when you start to consider making these kinds of changes, there’s a reason.

If you’ve entertained the idea that you need to give up drinking, you’ve done so because it’s a problem for you in some way. Something inside is warning you that things aren’t working the way they should. Listen to that voice.

I’m not writing this because everyone should stop drinking or even because I care whether people get sober. I love(d) drinking, and I hope people can enjoy it healthily. But I’m someone who would probably be on the street, in jail, or dead if I…

