You’re Wrong, Not All Men Hate Independent Women

Ronna Lou
3 min readMar 13, 2023

I just got back to Medium from a 3-year hiatus and my first article is this. I’m just as surprised as you.

Photo by Amanda Cavalcante from Pexels

Here’s what happened.

Of course, I wanted to know how the Medium community is going. Three years is a long time, so I’m curious about what you guys are talking about now. Do you like raisins now? Is avocado toast still overrated? Is it already acceptable to date someone shorter than you? Who pays the bill on dates now?

These are the stories I was looking forward to. I thought I was in for a fun read, but instead, I got a spicy hot take that left me feeling like I’d just eaten a whole bag of jalapeno-flavored chips.

I read an article about men hating women’s independence. Yes, that’s right. And as a woman, you already know I have a lot to say about this.

According to the article, one of the reasons why women don’t care if men are single and lonely is that men are against women’s independence.

When a woman is strong and independent, men feel like they are more capable of cheating or they take away the men’s power and control.

And I call this nonsense unless a woman is in a relationship with an insecure and narcissistic man.

There are men who appreciate women’s independence.

I want to point out that not every man acts or thinks this way. My husband is a great example.

For the whole 6 years of our marriage, my independence has never been a source of tension or conflict. In fact, it’s a point of pride in our relationship.

He has always been supportive of my goals and aspirations. He’s truly my biggest cheerleader whether it’s pursuing my career, furthering my education, or simply taking time for myself.

I remember when I first started my own business, I was really nervous about taking such a big step. But he was there every step of the way, offering encouragement and advice whenever I needed it.

He never once questioned my ability to succeed, and his unwavering support gave me the confidence I needed to push forward.

He doesn’t see my independence as a threat to his own masculinity or authority but as a reflection of who I am as a person. He knows that I am strong and capable, and he encourages me to be the best version of myself that I can be.

And it’s not just me. I have friends whose partners are as supportive as my husband.

Independence is attractive as long as you’re with the right partner.

An independent woman can bring a lot to the table. They’re usually confident, driven, and know what they want.

They’re not afraid to speak their mind and take risks. And let’s be real, a lot of men are attracted to that. It’s inspiring to see someone who is passionate about their goals and doesn’t let anyone stand in their way.

Independence is a beautiful thing, but there’s nothing wrong with being dependent either. As long as you’re with the right partner, you will still be in a healthy and loving relationship whatever your dynamic will be.

