Planet Soul

An 11-Day Vow of Silence Changed My View on the True Nature of Objective Reality

Meditation isn’t an activity, it’s a state of awareness

Vishesh Kochher
Human Parts
Published in
25 min readDec 1, 2020


Sunset visible through skinny branches.
Photos courtesy of the author.

“I am the looker, but the Universe is the See-er.

Every set of eyes in the world is witnessing on behalf of the Universe (Brahmān), witnessing its own existence in multiple forms, witnessing one slice of reality at a time (Bhāgya).”

On the morning of October 11, as the sun touched Berlin’s horizon from below, I heard my voice for the first time in 11 days. I chanted “Om” in a deep tone, vibrating the air around me and in all the hollow spaces of my body. I followed it up with an ancient Pali phrase: “Bhavatu Sabba Mangalam,” which means “may all blessings come true for all beings.”

After a good friend motivated me, I’d decided to try the practice of Vipassana meditation that traditionally spans a period of 10 days: I would have to limit external stimuli, eat in a disciplined manner, meditate for many hours a day, and not communicate with anyone. Through my days of silence and meditation, I experienced revelations that changed my perspective on



Vishesh Kochher
Human Parts

Data Science is the process of distilling data into knowledge, and ultimately into wisdom.